Upcoming Albums

Upcoming Albums – July, 15th

Here are Metal Utopia’s most anticipated albums of the week!

Jared is looking forward to Molder’s Engrossed in Decay, Hissing’s Hypervirulence Architecture, Celestial Wizard’s Winds of the Cosmos, Assault’s A Blind Eye, and Prometheus’ Aornos:

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Molder – Engrossed in Decay

Some nasty death/thrash that piqued my interest from the singles. Looking forward to hearing this whole thing.

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Hissing – Hypervirulence Architecture

Nathan’s review really sparked my interest in this one, and with similar releases this year getting lots of traction, could we be seeing a disso-death wave?

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Celestial Wizard – Winds of the Cosmos

Some heavy/power metal out of Denver that caught my eye. The music video for their first single was a ton of fun.

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Assault – A Blind Eye

Thrash metal played by some teenagers out of Cleveland. Has some Power Trip vibes and they’ve got a great sound going based on the single. Also features the drummer of 200 Stab Wounds.

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Prometheus – Aornos

I, Voidhanger back at it again with another insane black metal release.

Leon is looking forward to Inhuman Condition’s Fearsick, and Behold! The Monolith’s From the Fathomless Deep:

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Inhuman Condition – Fearsick

A sort of side-revival of the revered old school death metal band Massacre. Their last year’s album was fun enough, and hopefully this one is too.

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Behold! The Monolith – From the Fathomless Deep

LA sludge metal trio that’s slowly been getting better over the years. Here’s to another jump in quality.