It’s been quite a while since I’ve been doing this interview but now it’s time to publish it. The whole thing started when Joshua, the guitarist for the band Circaic sent me an email with the video for their song “Beyond Recalibration”. He discovered us via our Google+ page. I immediately liked the video and wanted to know more about this band. The band was formed in 2014. Before that, they were known as Frozen Eternity for nine years. And I’m totally convinced that these guys are the rising stars in Technical Melodic Death Metal. You will definitely hear more of ’em. Because I liked their music that much and wanted to know more, I immediately asked them if they would be interested in doing an interview. They were and here’s the interview:
Who are the guys behind “Circaic” and what’s your story?
Why did you change your name from “Frozen Eternity” to “Circaic” and why did you choose the name “Circaic”?
What are your main influences?
Do you guys earn enough money by just making music or do you have “real” jobs? Which ones?
Hobbies besides the music?
What was your best live experience?
Do you prefer playing live or being in the studio recording?
What are you guys listening to lately?
Future plans: Albums, gigs?
Anything you would like to say to your fans or maybe your future fans ;-)?
If you wanna check out Circaic after this awesome interview, here ya go:

“The demo was better.”